What's wrong with small bubbles in urination

Red Warbler and Green Willow Ask questions at 19:49:24, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

Urine has small bubbles, which does not necessarily mean abnormal urine. Because urine contains a large number of metabolic products, mainly a large number of organic salts and inorganic salts will be produced after the metabolism of various proteins. The surface tension of these substances is different, and small bubbles of different sizes will be formed after urination into the urinal. In this case, it is recommended to test the urine routine and observe whether there are white blood cells, red blood cells and proteinuria in the urine. It is mainly albuminuria. If albuminuria is positive, it may be abnormal, and 24 urine protein should be measured. Many patients with diabetes, glomerulonephritis, tubular nephritis and acute pyelonephritis may have proteinuria, and effective treatment can only be carried out after clear examination. If there is no urine protein, drinking more water can prevent it.

Red Warbler and Green Willow 2024-04-22 12:33:38

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