What's wrong with mild abnormal EEG

Wandering Alone Ask questions at 09:57:36, May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

Electroencephalogram (EEG) is mainly used in the diagnosis of epilepsy and encephalitis in clinical work, and also plays a certain role in judging neurasthenia and brain death. The patient's EEG examination results showed that it was slightly abnormal EEG, which should be combined with the patient's history, symptoms and signs. If the patient is not obviously uncomfortable, the EEG returns a slightly abnormal EEG. At this time, there is no need to worry too much. Normal people can have abnormal EEG performance when they are nervous, tired, not well rested, and overly excited. At this time, it is recommended that the patient take a rest and recheck the EEG one month later. If the EEG returns to normal, there is no obvious problem.

Wandering Alone 2024-06-03 11:58:51

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