What can't I eat for chicken pox?

Say goodbye to each other Ask questions at 11:10:18, May 22, 2024
Recommended answer

Children with chickenpox should not eat the following foods. First, they should not eat chili, because chili is a spicy food, which is somewhat irritating to the body, and may lead to repeated symptoms of chickenpox. Second, seafood food, such as fish, shrimp, crabs, etc., should not be eaten because such food belongs to hair matter and may aggravate the disease of chickenpox. Third, it is better not to eat chicken, beef, mutton and other hair products, which is also bad for the recovery of chicken pox. Children with chickenpox need to pay attention to light diet. They can eat more fresh fruits and vegetables, which is helpful to supplement vitamins, improve children's immunity, and is more beneficial to the improvement of chickenpox. If chickenpox is serious, parents are advised to take the child to a doctor for treatment in time.

Say goodbye to each other 2024-05-27 11:10:49

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