How do you respond to lung problems

Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon Ask on 2024-05-31 04:57:57
Recommended answer

The common clinical manifestations are cough, expectoration, fever, chest pain, hemoptysis, and the clinical symptoms are completely different due to different lung diseases. For example, bronchial asthma, often manifested as paroxysmal dyspnea, accompanied by increased cough at night, dry rales can be heard in both lungs. Respiratory symptoms caused by lung tumors are persistent with metallic sounds, and symptoms such as emaciation, chest pain, hemoptysis, and dyspnea also occur. Pneumonia is characterized by cough, yellow sputum and fever. Pulmonary interstitial fibrosis is characterized by irritating dry cough, which gradually leads to shortness of breath after activity. The symptoms of different diseases are completely different. Different diseases can be considered according to related diseases and symptoms. The possibility of effective bronchial asthma and cardiac insufficiency should be considered for dry cough and dyspnea at night and edema of lower limbs.

Hiding the Water and Stealing the Dragon 2024-06-03 11:52:50

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