Does it affect if you eat too much headache powder?

Swallow vicissitudes Ask questions on May 25, 2024-14:02:04
Recommended answer

Eating too much headache powder has certain effects on the body. Headache powder belongs to western medicine. If you eat too much, it may cause some damage to the patient's nerves. So don't eat too much headache powder at ordinary times, and the main purpose of headache is to relieve the pain of the head. If there is pain, you can choose to use intermediate drugs for treatment. Mild headache can be relieved with proper rest, and no medicine is needed. It is recommended to use headache powder only when the headache is particularly severe. When taking medicine, follow the doctor's advice to grasp the appropriate dosage.

Swallow vicissitudes 2024-05-27 11:07:32

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