What to take for carpal tunnel syndrome

Laugh at others Ask questions on 2024-05-19 01:56:27
Recommended answer

For carpal tunnel syndrome, the following two kinds of drugs need to be taken: the first kind of drugs is non steroidal anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs. You can take Fenbid, Celecoxib and other drugs to eliminate the sterile inflammation in the carpal tunnel, reduce the pressure in the carpal tunnel, thus helping to improve the clinical symptoms caused by median nerve compression. The second is to take drugs that can nourish the nerves. Usually, drugs such as mecobalamin are used to nourish the nerves and promote the recovery of nerve function under pressure. Drug treatment is only one part of the treatment of carpal tunnel syndrome. Further treatment is to use local blocking needle therapy to help eliminate aseptic inflammatory reaction. In the case of particularly serious patients who fail to improve, surgery is needed. Cutting the transverse carpal tenacity will reduce the pressure of the carpal tunnel, thus relieving the neurological symptoms.

Laugh at others 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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