How to prevent oral ulcer

Yangtze River and Yellow River Ask questions at 17:14:12 on May 24, 2024
Recommended answer

First of all, there are many reasons for oral ulcer. If it is caused by genetic factors, it is difficult to prevent oral ulcer. If it is caused by genetic factors, it is difficult for us to change the genetic genes, so it is very difficult to prevent oral ulcer. If the oral ulcer is caused by excessive mental pressure, it is better to prevent it. For example, to relax, travel properly or go outside with friends to relax, it can reduce the pressure, oral ulcer is not easy to occur, and it may also be caused by staying up late, so it is relatively simple to prevent this situation and change the life schedule, Don't stay up late to prevent it.

Yangtze River and Yellow River 2024-05-27 11:04:36

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