What's wrong with swollen hands after waking up

See through Ask questions on 2024-05-17 08:55:09
Recommended answer

The hand swelling after waking up may be caused by the following reasons: 1. It may be that the body or the person sleeping next to the body is accidentally pressed on the arm for a long time while sleeping, resulting in the local blood circulation is not smooth, thus causing the local swelling up and moving the arm, and the swelling will disappear naturally. 2. It may be that when sleeping, the arm catches cold carelessly, which leads to poor local blood circulation and local swelling. After getting up, the swelling will disappear naturally if you exercise or apply local hot compress. 3. Physiological edema, generally in addition to hand swelling, will also appear on the face, eyelids, lips and other edema. But after getting up, the swelling will also slowly disappear, and none of the above problems is a big problem.

See through 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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