How to treat prostatic hypertrophy

Rosette Ask questions at 21:48:25, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Prostate hypertrophy is mainly treated with drugs, and the most commonly used drugs are two categories, as follows: first, it is called prostate weight loss for short, and the representative drug is finasteride. Generally, after three months of use, the prostate volume starts to shrink, which can be reduced by up to 30%. Second, drugs are called prostate gymnastics, and the representative drugs are alpha receptor antagonists, such as tamsulosin. Its main mechanism is to expand the sphincter on the surface of the prostate and urethra, loosen the urethra of the prostate, and allow patients to return to normal urination. Generally, the two kinds of drugs mentioned above are used jointly in clinical practice. On the one hand, it is to reduce the weight and volume of the prostate; On the other hand, let the prostate do urine movement, expand the urethra, and make urination more smooth.

Rosette 2024-04-22 11:38:33

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