What is the cause of testicular pain

Dark as dark green Ask questions on May 25, 2024-15:26:50
Recommended answer

The common cause of testicular pain is the damage caused by external force. Bacteria invade through the urethral orifice and retrogradely infect the testis, resulting in inflammatory pain of the testis. Prostatitis can also cause pulling pain in the testicle; Varicocele in the scrotum can also cause testicular pain. In order to clarify the specific causes of pain, it is also necessary to combine the history of trauma and other accompanying symptoms; Combined with scrotal color ultrasound, understand the echo of testicular parenchyma, and troubleshoot varicocele; Take blood for routine blood test, test and check the blood picture, and then formulate a targeted drug delivery plan according to the inspection results. Inflammatory pain after infection can be treated with symptomatic pain relief and antibiotics.

Dark as dark green 2024-05-27 10:50:32

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