The wheat is swollen and suppurated. Is it going to be better

Write about breaking rivers and mountains Ask questions on 2024-05-31 22:45:49
Recommended answer

Wheaty swelling and suppuration does not mean that the disease is getting better soon. Do not squeeze hard, or it will easily spread the infection and even form serious orbital cellulitis. The correct treatment should go to the hospital for surgical incision and drainage of pus, and complete removal of the capsule wall during the operation, in order to avoid recurrence of stylosoma. Generally, it will return to normal 3-5 days after the incision and drainage of stylosoma. After the pus is drained, the skin color of the cyst will gradually return to normal, the pain will disappear, and there is no pus overflow, indicating that the condition is improved and recovered. Wort is an eye disease caused by acute suppurative infection of the meibomian gland. Usually, attention should be paid to eye hygiene. Do not rub your eyes with your hands. Try to reduce eye use to ensure adequate sleep. Eating light food should be avoided, and spicy and irritant foods such as beef, mutton, seafood, hot pot, etc. should be avoided.

Write about breaking rivers and mountains 2024-06-03 12:07:19

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