What color is the blood of nasopharyngeal cancer?

Charming posture Ask on 2024-05-29 21:08:33
Recommended answer

Nasopharyngeal cancer is usually dark red, sometimes bright red. Nosebleeding is usually accompanied by bloodshot in the nasal discharge. In the middle and late stages, a large amount of bleeding will occur in the nose, which is not easy to stop. Nasopharyngeal cancer bleeding is usually blood, but patients can not be diagnosed as nasopharyngeal cancer only based on the bleeding. The cause of nasopharyngeal carcinoma bleeding is mainly due to the bleeding of ulcer surface on the focus and the rupture of tumor blood vessels. If necessary, it is necessary to go to the top three hospitals for nasal CT or MRI, as well as pathological examination to determine. Generally, this kind of disease requires surgery, as well as radiotherapy and chemotherapy.

Charming posture 2024-06-03 11:55:22

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