What's wrong with getting up in the morning and feeling swollen fingers

grace Ask questions at 08:42:31, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

Finger swelling after getting up in the morning may be caused by overwork. If you are overworked for a long time, it can cause damage to the muscles of the finger joints, resulting in swelling and pain of skin and soft tissues. This may also be due to rheumatoid arthritis, which is a systemic disease dominated by inflammatory synovitis. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis may have morning stiffness, finger joint dysfunction when getting up in the morning, and may be accompanied by swelling of the joints. With the development of the disease, it may invade multiple joints of the whole body, causing joint deformity, limited movement, and other organ damage. Patients with finger swelling in the morning should first pay attention to rest, avoid fatigue, properly raise the affected limb, and avoid sagging of the affected limb and aggravating finger swelling. Patients need to take anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs or drugs to promote blood circulation and remove blood stasis to relieve swelling and pain. If the symptoms still cannot improve, they need to go to the hospital to check their hands for X-ray examination, blood routine test, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and rheumatoid factor, and exclude rheumatoid arthritis.

grace 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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