What is old myocardial infarction

Happiness is far away Ask on May 20, 2024-23:00:07
Recommended answer

Acute myocardial infarction occurs for more than six weeks, which is called old myocardial infarction. For patients with old myocardial infarction, they had a history of acute myocardial infarction in the past, but the patient had no clinical manifestations of acute myocardial infarction or changes in myocardial enzymology after more than six weeks of acute myocardial infarction. At the same time, when myocardial markers were measured, myocardial markers were negative. The electrocardiogram can find that there is permanent abnormal Q wave or QS wave, and the ST-T segment can show chronic myocardial ischemia insufficiency, or it can be completely normal, which is a residual ECG manifestation of myocardial repair fibrosis after myocardial infarction.

Happiness is far away 2024-05-27 10:56:16

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