What is it about uterine polyps that bleed when pregnant

Tianya Traveler Ask questions at 14:55:33, May 28, 2024
Recommended answer

Patients with endometrial polyps have bleeding after pregnancy, and most of them are not endometrial polyps bleeding, especially those who have not suffered from endometrial polyps bleeding before, without endometrial polyps or any pathological problems. There are also some cases of bleeding after pregnancy. In the early stage of pregnancy, vaginal bleeding, first of all, needs to do B-ultrasound to eliminate the problem of ectopic pregnancy, and then consider threatened abortion or poor embryonic development. It is necessary to monitor B-ultrasound to see the changes of embryos. Most of the bleeding during pregnancy is due to the increase in the size of the gestational sac, which is not particularly harmonious with the endometrium. At this time, the incidence is not very low.

Tianya Traveler 2024-06-03 11:56:40

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