The best food for men's health - oatmeal is good for cardiovascular function

Tea adds fragrance Ask on 2024-06-22 03:22:12
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Men's endocrine metabolism is often destroyed, so they are more likely to suffer from hypertension, stroke and other diseases. Vitamin E can prevent cholesterol from clogging blood vessels and remove rubbish from the body. Coarse grains, nuts and vegetable oils all contain vitamin E, so men should eat more of these foods. Oats, in particular, are rich in soluble cellulose, which can protect your heart and blood vessels by clearing cholesterol.

The best food for men's health - oatmeal is good for cardiovascular function

The best food for men's health

Eating more oysters can replenish essence

After the age of 24, the quality and quantity of sperm are on the decline. Male genital fluid contains a lot of zinc. When the body lacks zinc, it will affect the quantity and quality of sperm. The seafood oysters, shrimps and crabs have the most abundant zinc content in the food. The zinc content in a small oyster can meet the daily needs (15mg), thus enhancing men's sexual ability. Zinc rich foods include fish, pig liver, beef, shrimp, shellfish, laver, sesame, peanuts, soybeans and bean products.

Tomato gland before protection

Lycopene can eliminate free radicals in the anterior gonad and protect the anterior gonad tissue. This natural carotenoid is mainly found in red foods such as tomatoes, watermelons, grapefruit, etc. An adult can meet the body's need for lycopene by eating 100-200g of tomatoes every day, while ripe tomatoes are more easily absorbed by the body. Harvard University published a long-term follow-up report on 47000 people in 1995. According to the report, those who eat more than 10 servings of tomatoes a week have a 45% lower risk of pre cancer adenocarcinoma than the general population. Therefore, it is a good choice for men to eat at least one tomato every day.

Oats are good for cardiovascular function

Men's endocrine metabolism is often destroyed, so they are more likely to suffer from hypertension, stroke and other diseases. Vitamin E can prevent cholesterol from clogging blood vessels and remove rubbish from the body. Coarse grains, nuts and vegetable oils all contain vitamin E, so men should eat more of these foods. Oats, in particular, are rich in soluble cellulose, which can protect your heart and blood vessels by clearing cholesterol. In some cases, oats reduce the risk of heart disease by 30% or more.

Fresh Jujube Deals with High Pressure Work

Because men have played the role of bearers in work, family and society for a long time, they are in a high pressure state for a long time and need more nutrition. People who are often nervous can eat 3 to 5 fresh dates every day to supplement vitamin C and cope with work. In addition to fresh dates, foods rich in vitamin C include kiwi fruit, oranges, oranges, broccoli, asparagus, etc., which can assist in the secretion of adrenocortical hormone (an anti stress hormone) to fight against stress

Serve with beans when eating pork

Men tend to prefer animal fat, but this will overload the kidneys and increase the risk of cardiovascular diseases and malignant tumors. Even lsquo; Lean meat ', in which invisible recessive fat also accounts for 28%. Therefore, men should learn to eat a light diet, especially to reduce animal fat (fat meat, fried meat, animal viscera, etc.) and the total amount of cooking oil (generally not more than 30g/day). Take pork for example, the average daily meat volume should be controlled at two or three liang; In addition, when eating pork, it is best to match with bean food, because bean products contain a large amount of lecithin, which can emulsify plasma, make cholesterol and fat particles smaller, and prevent the formation of hardened plaque.

Red wine prevents arteriosclerosis

If you have to drink, drink red wine. Because the antioxidant polyphenols contained in grape skins are kept in wine, which can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. In addition, red wine can enhance the antioxidant effect and prevent arteriosclerosis. Recent research results also show that red wine is also effective in preventing senile dementia in men. Generally speaking, it is advisable for middle-aged men to drink 100-150 ml (about 2-3 liang) every day. In addition, drinking on an empty stomach should be avoided, and it is better to drink it with meals. This can increase appetite, help digestion and reduce the absorption of alcohol.

Deep sea fish have fewer strokes

The age group of men suffering from hyperlipidemia and stroke is gradually decreasing, while omega-3 fatty acids in deep-sea fish can prevent blood coagulation, reduce vasoconstriction, reduce triglycerides, etc., which is particularly beneficial to heart and blood vessels. The American Heart Association (AHA) recommends that fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids, including mackerel, saury, grouper, salmon, can be eaten in lieu, but remember to eat fish at least twice a week.

Put drinking water on the agenda

The human brain has 75% water. The first organ affected by dehydration is the brain. Too little water will make people tired and slow down their reaction. But when men get busy, they often forget to drink water. If they use drinks or soup to supplement water in their bodies, they will gain more calories and make their bodies fat. Therefore, try to drink more water between meals. For example, as soon as you enter the office, immediately pour 500 ml of water on the table, force yourself to drink it when you are free, and drink it before lunch. Drink at least 1200 ml of water a day, which is equivalent to two bottles of mineral water.

Garlic relieves fatigue

As we all know, garlic has a strong bactericidal power, which can eliminate bacteria invading the body. But you know what? It also helps to absorb vitamin B1, promote carbohydrate metabolism to generate energy, and alleviate fatigue. Another function of garlic that cannot be ignored is to enhance immunity. The lead selenide contained in garlic also has antioxidant effect, so it is considered as anti-cancer food.

Tea adds fragrance 2024-06-24 11:36:55

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