What are the customs of Western traditional festivals?

Change yourself Ask on 2024-06-05 20:51:22
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Western festivals are popular with young people in China. Different from traditional Chinese festivals, western festivals pay more attention to people's feelings, and people will begin to prepare a few days before the festival. For example, before December 25, Christmas trees have been decorated on the streets. Our understanding of western festivals is not as deep as that of traditional festivals. Here is a short story to tell you about the main customs of western traditional festivals.

new year
Although Christmas is the biggest holiday in Western countries, the New Year still occupies an irreplaceable position in people's minds. The New Year's Eve party is an indispensable activity to celebrate the arrival of the New Year. People in western countries like to spend the last night of the year in joy with cheerful music and gorgeous brilliance, so as to usher in the first day of the new year.

Valentine's Day
In some western countries, there is a very romantic festival that is most popular with lovers. This is Valentine's Day held on February 14 every year. For those infatuated men and women who love each other and are usually shy of speaking, Valentine's Day is the time to confide in their secrets. On the night before Valentine's Day, the girls picked the leaves of laurel and stuck them on their pillows, hoping to see their sweetheart in their dreams. On March 14, there is also White Valentine's Day.

Easter is an important festival for the resurrection of Christian Jesus. The first Sunday after the full moon after the vernal equinox (March 21) every year is the day of Jesus' resurrection in the Bible. For Christians, Easter is second only to Christmas. In 325 AD, the Nicaean Conference decided to mark the first Sunday after the full moon at the vernal equinox as Easter in memory of the resurrection of Jesus, the founder of Christianity. Therefore, the specific date of Easter every year is uncertain. According to the Christian custom, on the day before Easter, believers will hold night prayers. On Easter, religious ceremonies and activities will be held, such as "Holy Communion". The first word people meet is "The Lord is resurrected". Then people give colored eggs to each other, children eat rabbit candy and tell stories about rabbits.

April Fools ' Day
April Fool's Day is a special holiday. The time is April 1 every year. According to the custom of western countries, on April Fool's Day, people can lie and fool others at will. The higher the deception, the more respected it will be. Today's April Fool's Day is mainly a holiday for naughty boys in the United States.

Mother's Day Father's Day
Mother's Day Father's Day. In the United States, there are two very personal festivals: Mother's Day was initiated by a woman named Jarvis and initiated by her daughter Anna Jarvis. As a festival of thanking mothers, it first appeared in ancient Greece on January 8 every year, while in China, the United States, Canada and some other countries, it is the second Sunday in May every year, Other countries have different dates. Father's Day was initiated by Mrs. John Bruce Dodd. President Nixon signed a parliamentary resolution in 1972. There are 52 countries and regions in the world celebrate Father's Day on the third Sunday in June every year. Father's Day in Taiwan is on August 8 every year. After the establishment of these two festivals, they also received the support of people all over the world and became truly international festivals.

Halloween is a traditional western festival - Ghost Festival. On November 1 every year. October 31 is Halloween, usually called Halloween. It is said that all ghosts will come to the world on the same day. In order to frighten the big ghosts and the small ones, people dress up as ghosts to avoid being captured by ghosts. Although Halloween is a custom celebration in foreign countries, it is impressive that everyone will ask for candy from door to door, and trick or treat without candy, which is most popular among children.

Every fourth Thursday in November, the American people welcome their most important traditional folk festival - Thanksgiving Day. This festival began in the autumn of 1621. British immigrants who came to America from far away thanked the local Indians for their help.

Christmas Day, December 25 every year, is a traditional festival in the church calendar. It is a celebration day for Christians to celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ. On Christmas Day, most Catholic churches will first hold midnight mass on the Christmas Eve of December 24, that is, in the early morning of December 25, while some Christian churches will hold a good news, and then celebrate Christmas on December 25; The other branch of Christianity, the Eastern Orthodox Church, celebrates Christmas on January 7 every year.

Summary: In fact, from the above introduction, we can find that there are some festivals in the West that are quite similar to traditional Chinese festivals, but our festivals are not as lively and grand as those in the West, so young people prefer Western festivals.

Change yourself 2024-06-07 10:03:31

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