Fish bone braid, the method of making bangs, learn how to do this, no longer afraid of bangs blocking eyes

Quiet before dawn Ask questions on 2024-06-11 05:57:55
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Braised bangs with fish bones

Hurrying out in the morning, no time to take care of bangs? Want to keep long bangs, but always get stuck in the eyes during the transition period? Then it's right to weave this fishbone braid bangs! It can not only make the bangs look fresh, but also make the face covered by the mask more refreshing and more youthful!

Step 1: First, we will divide our fringe into 37 points and divide it into side fringe.

Step 2: Next, rotate the hair in front of the ear and the 7 equal parts of the bangs (more bangs) together, then pull out a little puffy hair and fix it behind the ear. The trick is to add some wax to make the hair more soft and hairless if the hair will be irritable.

Step 3: Don't put on some hairpin accessories, hide the small black clip, and the simple bangs will be finished!

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Quiet before dawn 2024-06-13 10:00:16

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