What is the itching after the massage plaster

Over the years Ask questions at 17:53:23, April 21, 2024
Recommended answer

After the massage, apply the plaster and then itch. The most common reason is allergy to the plaster. The ingredients of the plaster are made of many ingredients. Some people are sensitive to some of the ingredients in the plaster and are not very comfortable with them, so the skin will itch after being applied. In case of such a phenomenon, it is recommended to remove the plaster and keep the local area dry and ventilated. Without drug stimulation, the symptoms will generally improve quickly, and the problem is not serious. Sometimes the plaster is applied for a long time, and the plaster is airtight and sweaty. If the sweat cannot be discharged, it will also itch. Therefore, as long as you take it off, it can be quickly relieved.

Over the years 2024-04-22 12:17:22

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