How does a woman with garlic nose look after marriage

Arisaema Ask questions on 02:52:46, June 1, 2024
Recommended answer

The nose often represents a person's wealth, because the nose is where the Palace of Wealth is located. So generally speaking, if a person's nose grows well, it will have a good impact on his fate. If a person's nose looks bad, it means his fate will also be bad. So what will life be like for a woman with a nose and a garlic nose after marriage?

Garlic nose

Garlic nose generally refers to a nasal phase formed by the retroversion of the lateral alar cartilage and the excessive angle of the alar cartilage. Garlic nose is named for its shape like garlic. Generally speaking, garlic nose is not very beautiful, especially for girls. If they grow a garlic nose, they will even start to worry about their own inability to marry. However, although the garlic nose is not beautiful, it can work well.

Good at cooking

Generally speaking, women with garlic nose are more able to manage their families after marriage. Therefore, most of the time, women with garlic noses cook the food at home, mainly because of the shape of the garlic nose, which does not contradict the quality of the food, so they have unique experience in cooking. Therefore, women with garlic nose are good at cooking, which makes the family eat healthily and safely.

Hard-working housekeeper

Generally speaking, women with garlic nose are industrious. Because of its nasal appearance, it is more capable in labor. So although a woman with garlic nose may seem careless in many aspects, she is indeed a hard-working housekeeper in life. Therefore, most of the time, women with garlic nose will take on the big and small affairs at home.

Loyalty and unfaithfulness

Garlic nosed women, after marriage, are generally more loyal and will not easily stray. The reason is that because of the appearance of garlic nose, the women with garlic nose are lack of money fortune and honest nature. Although his financial fortune is insufficient, it will not affect his husband. Therefore, women with garlic nose are more suitable for running a family, and they are loyal and do not cheat.

Live a good life after marriage

Generally speaking, a woman with a garlic nose is better in her married life, because her character is more capable of running a family, and she will not easily quarrel with others. Many times, a woman with a garlic nose can even boost her husband's interpersonal relationship. Because of this, the married life of women with garlic nose is generally calm and satisfied.

To sum up, a woman with garlic nose can be said to have a very happy life because her life after marriage is dull and satisfied. So if you are a woman with garlic nose, please don't feel pessimistic about your appearance, because you can easily return to happiness.

Arisaema 2024-06-07 10:02:47

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