What are the symptoms of thyroid disease

Peace is bliss Ask questions at 09:46:57, May 29, 2024
Recommended answer

Thyroid diseases include thyroid adenoma, thyroid cyst, thyroid nodule, hyperthyroidism, thyroiditis related diseases and thyroid malignant tumors. For this kind of disease, the early symptoms may not be obvious. Only in the physical examination or unintentional discovery of a mass in front of the neck, with the progress of the disease, there will gradually be a large mass in the front of the neck, a dull pain in the front of the neck, and dysphagia. If a large mass produces compression symptoms, hoarseness, choking on drinking water, dysphagia, and dyspnea may also occur. If it is a malignant tumor accompanied by cervical lymph node metastasis, it can also cause systemic fever, anemia and emaciation. The diagnosis of thyroid diseases usually depends on the detection of thyroid function, thyroid color ultrasound or CT thyroid nuclide scanning, and puncture pathological examination of masses.

Peace is bliss 2024-06-03 12:17:14

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