Comb massaging the palm can strengthen the body and eliminate diseases

Hold the lamp and watch the sword when drunk Ask on 2024-06-22 05:24:05
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Traditional Chinese medicine often says that among the 12 most important meridians of the human body, 6 are related to the hand, and 23 are related to the hand; In addition, 34 extra meridian acupoints are also distributed on the hands. Using combs to massage these acupoints can achieve the goal of strengthening the body and curing diseases. Some people understand that massaging the palm of the hand with a comb can strengthen the body and cure diseases, and some people are confused. Today, a small editor of the beautiful women's street will introduce this knowledge to you. Please don't miss it.

Apply a layer of skin care grease on the palm of your hand first, then choose a round headed comb (do not choose a sharp tooth comb to avoid scratching the palm of your hand), and then comb it in order - first from top to bottom, then from right to left, and then clockwise. Repeat this many times. Here is a brief introduction to the health care effects of some hand acupuncture points.

Laogong Point:

It is located in the horizontal line of the palm, where the middle fingertip points when the palm is raised and the fist is clenched. Massage here can treat epilepsy, vomiting, halitosis, hiccup, sore mouth and tongue, etc.

Thenar cave:

It is located at the midpoint of the first metacarpal bone. Massaging this point can regulate qi, clear the lung and benefit the throat. It is mainly used to treat bronchial asthma, acute tonsillitis, cough, hemoptysis, headache, chest pain, etc.

Shaofu Point:

When clenching the fist, it is under the little finger tip. Massaging this point can treat heartache, upset, enuresis, etc.

What are the benefits of self massage for the elderly? Can elderly self massage eliminate age spots? Can the elderly self massage treat tinnitus? Can elderly self massage keep fit? What are the methods suitable for the elderly to massage themselves at home? Which old people are not suitable for self massage? If you have any questions about the elderly's fitness, please continue to pay attention to the "Common Sense of Massage Safety for the Elderly in Beautiful Women's Street" column.

Hold the lamp and watch the sword when drunk 2024-06-24 11:47:18

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