Method of removing corns

I'm flirting with juvenile mania Ask questions on 2024-06-06 02:58:35
Recommended answer

The corns, also known as flesh spurs, often grow on the toes and the front end of the sole. This disease is often caused by long-term irritation of the foot skin due to the original deformity of the foot bone or the tight shoes. The corns are round, vertebral, horny hyperplasia and induration. The number of corns varies. The root is deep, the skin is thickened, and the top is convex. It often affects walking because of pain.

Method of corns removal

Remove corns with corns ointment: first clean the feet with corns, and then apply corns ointment to corns after the water has completely evaporated. After three days, when the affected part softens and feels slight pain, change the dressing once and remove the white softening layer.

Remove corns with 30% salicylic acid collodion: once a day, soak in hot water one week later to remove corns' corner cones and skin lesions until they fall off.

Cryopreservation of corns with liquid nitrogen: use low temperature liquid nitrogen to freeze the corns locally to death, and two to three days later, the corns become black and fall off, achieving therapeutic effect.

Remove corns for external use: directly smear corns and plantar warts with a cotton swab to dry them (try not to smear them on normal skin around), 2-3 times a day, and generally remove them in 3 weeks. Before use, soak your feet in hot water, remove the foreign matter (cuticle) on the surface of corns and plantar warts, and then apply it in the correct way every time.

Surgical removal of corns: After partial anesthesia, use a sharp scalpel to make a circular incision along the edge of the horn plug, clamp it with toothed tweezers, peel it, dig out corns, and then wrap it with sterile gauze.

Laser corns removal: It is painful and does not remove roots.

I'm flirting with juvenile mania 2024-06-07 10:01:10

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