Why do you have pimples on your neck

Qing Zun Su Ying Ask questions at 18:54:13, May 15, 2024
Recommended answer

Why do you always have acne on your neck? This phenomenon is called malassezia folliculitis in medicine. Malassezia folliculitis is a skin disease caused by Malassezia infecting the hair follicles of the skin. It usually occurs in the neck, chest, back and other places where there is much sweat and oil. The patients are mainly obese or have low immunity, and generally there is no obvious itching or pain. In terms of treatment, first, take a bath with medicated soap. Malassezia is a kind of fungus that likes to grow in the sebum exuberant part. To destroy its growth environment, it can reduce the recurrence of disease, so we need to choose medicated soap for bathing. Second, if the number is not very large, we can take the method of liquid nitrogen cryotherapy, which can basically eliminate all acne once. Third, if the number is large and the long acne is small, choose oral itraconazole, and the course of treatment is about one month.

Qing Zun Su Ying 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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