What medicine to take for tongue pain

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible Ask questions on May 26, 2024-18:14:31
Recommended answer

First of all, we should analyze the causes of tongue pain. Why is it caused by trauma or some stimulus. Chronic glossitis or acute glossitis is also common clinically. There are many classifications of glossitis, and the treatment methods of each classification are different, but the main treatment method is to remove the irritant factors. Therefore, we must analyze the cause of glossitis, and know what causes the tongue pain, rather than what medicine to take. If it is caused by trauma, in fact, it is very simple. Just remove the irritant, for example, if there is residual tooth root in the mouth that repeatedly stimulates the tongue to cause pain, it is good to pull out the tooth root at this time, without taking any medicine. But if it is caused by some irritants, such as contact with too spicy food or too stimulating food, which causes irritating glossitis, remove these irritants, and you may be better off after two days. If it is a serious inflammation of the tongue, it does not rule out the use of some anti-inflammatory drugs, or even some hormone drugs for adjuvant treatment. If the chronic glossitis persists for a long time, sometimes TCM or acupuncture can also be considered for treatment.

There's nothing in my dictionary Impossible 2024-05-27 11:08:37

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