Does pulmonary granuloma need treatment

imbued with supreme heroism Ask questions at 01:11:31, April 16, 2024
Recommended answer

Pulmonary granuloma is mainly manifested in nodular shadows with clear boundaries on CT imaging, but it is difficult for CT to determine whether such shadows are caused by granulomatous lesions or other reasons, so pathological examination is required to make a clear diagnosis. Granuloma is generally divided into several categories. One is caused by bacteria, fungi and parasites, which is called infectious granuloma. This type of granuloma requires antimicrobial, antifungal, or antiparasitic treatment. The second type is granuloma caused by tuberculosis infection. For this type of granuloma, anti tuberculosis treatment is required. The third type is the most common granuloma in clinic, which is caused by immune system diseases. This type of granuloma needs to treat immune system diseases. Effective treatment of immune system diseases can treat granuloma well. Therefore, no matter what type of granuloma is, it needs treatment.

imbued with supreme heroism 2024-04-22 11:39:57

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