What's the matter with backache after abortion

Mountains and forests Ask questions on May 20, 2024-19:27:18
Recommended answer

Low back pain after induced abortion may be caused by uterine contraction due to the embryo tissue being sucked out of the uterine cavity during the operation, which is relatively empty, leading to discomfort in the lower abdomen. Sometimes it may also be involved in causing low back pain, especially in patients with posterior uterine position. This phenomenon is usually transient and will improve soon. Most patients have pain relief lasting about 2 hours after surgery, and generally do not need special treatment. A small number of patients may suffer from pelvic inflammation due to decreased postoperative resistance, resulting in persistent lumbosacral pain that cannot be alleviated, or even accompanied by elevated temperature. They need to go to the hospital in time.

Mountains and forests 2024-05-27 11:12:15

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