What kind of bangs to cut for a long face? Recommended bangs for girls with long faces

Wake up Ask on June 12, 2024-19:35:41
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Some girls are born with a long face shape, while others have hair loss that leads to a higher hairline, which makes them look longer. So, what kind of bangs do girls with long faces cut to look good? Are berets suitable for long faces? Do girls with long faces have any forbidden hairstyles? A must see hairstyle guide for girls with long faces. Don't miss it. It can make you beautiful without stepping on thunder.

What kind of bangs to cut for a long face

1. Midpoint

The center point bangs are the most classic of all the bangs. They were very popular more than a decade ago, but they are still so popular in 2019! The middle point is an indelible classic fringe. I believe that it will not be out of style after a hundred years! What kind of face is the middle part suitable for? It's also very nice for girls with rectangular faces to keep middle point bangs, which can set off your temperament more coldly, but it's better not to leave your hair too long, or your face will be longer!

2. French bangs

The rectangular face is actually pretty good. Because it is a little square, the face does not look as long as the long face. The girls with rectangular faces look more powerful. Many European and American actresses and supermodels have rectangular faces! It looks really advanced. Girls with rectangular faces can choose French bangs, which can shorten your face slightly visually, make your face look more harmonious, and add your sweet temperament at the same time.

3. Korean style flat slanted fringe

Korean flat slanted bangs have become more and more popular in recent years. This kind of bangs makes the forehead appear faintly. It looks especially cute, and is very suitable for girls who need to add sweet temperament. A girl with a rectangular face who is cold and gorgeous and serious in temperament can also try Korean flat and oblique bangs, which can not only make your face look more harmonious, but also add your fresh temperament.

Is beret suitable for long face

Of course, square faces can be worn. If you want to adjust your square face shape, you can choose to wear a beret askew and cover up the edges and corners of your face, so that the whole face looks softer. In autumn and winter, you should not only be optimistic about berets, but also consider the problem of heat preservation. It is more suitable to choose berets made of woolen fabric.

The forbidden hairstyle of girls with long faces

1. Extra curly hair

V-shaped bangs and curly short hair are disastrous for girls with long faces. Although such bangs may appear to be small, such cross fitting curly hair will expose the facial weakness of long faced girls. The overall shape will be very scary, so don't try it easily.

2. Curly short hair

Simply curly short hair is not suitable for girls with long faces. Because the face shape is very long, it will have a visual effect of lengthening the face shape when compared with curly hair, which will give people a sense of disobedience and strangeness. Long face girls seldom have suitable and cute hairstyles, so we should not try again easily.

3. Smooth horsetail

Is it envious to see others pierce the ponytail? Feel natural and beautiful? If a girl with a long face wears such a ponytail, it will not have such an effect, but will give a strange feeling. Because this hairstyle requires a very high facial shape, it is also not suitable for girls with long faces.

4. Fresh short hair

If you also want to cut such short hair, the effect may not be as perfect as you think. Because this kind of ear length short hair may just stick to the cheek of a girl with a long face, and this kind of length contrast is more obvious, which will set off the fact that your face is long. Therefore, if you are so troubled, it is better not to choose this hairstyle.

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Wake up 2024-06-13 09:53:02

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