How to distinguish between yin deficiency and yang deficiency

Long Street Old Friends Ask questions at 21:07:50, April 20, 2024
Recommended answer

Both yin deficiency and yang deficiency are terms in traditional Chinese medicine. It is mainly caused by congenital deficiency, excessive fatigue, extreme emotions, great happiness and great sadness, irregular work and rest, etc. Yin deficiency refers to a series of pathological phenomena caused by insufficient yin fluid, which cannot nourish and restrict yang qi. It is mainly caused by taking warm and dry products after a fever, irregular rooms and rooms. The clinical manifestations of yang deficiency are fear of cold, lukewarm limbs, low spirits, thin and fat tongue, and tooth marks; Women have breast pain, irregular menstruation or metrorrhagia. Male impotence, premature ejaculation and fatigue are common. Yin deficiency is manifested as dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia and dreaminess, forgetfulness, emaciation, dry mouth and dry throat, five heart upset heat, night sweats and other symptoms. The male shows sexual excitement and spermatorrhea. Most women have less menstruation, or amenorrhea, metrorrhagia, etc. In case of the above situation, go to the hospital for diagnosis as soon as possible, and do not adjust it privately.

Long Street Old Friends 2024-04-22 11:36:07

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