How to treat hypertension effectively

Calm coast Ask questions at 09:15:12, April 22, 2024
Recommended answer

In the face of hypertension patients, first of all, blood pressure should be graded according to their blood pressure values, which can be divided into Grade I, Grade II, Grade III, and then see whether there are high risk factors and several high risk factors, which can be divided into low risk, medium risk, high risk and extremely high risk. If hypertension is found for the first time, non drug treatment is preferred, such as low salt and low-fat diet, smoking cessation and alcohol restriction, moderate exercise, and maintaining psychological balance. The duration of non drug treatment is three months. If the blood pressure does not drop significantly after three months, drug treatment is required. The commonly used drugs in clinic include five categories of antihypertensive drugs, such as diuretics, beta blockers, renin angiotensin inhibitors, calcium channel antagonists, etc. One or two antihypertensive drugs, or single compound preparations, can be selected according to the blood pressure value.

Calm coast 2024-04-28 18:13:24

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