Efficacy and function of honeysuckle

Wenzhu arouses a middle-aged style Ask questions at 16:15:32 on May 27, 2024
Recommended answer

The efficacy and functions of honeysuckle are as follows: 1. Anti inflammatory and antibacterial. Honeysuckle has inhibitory effects on many bacteria, such as dysentery bacillus, golden yellow coccus, influenza virus and leptospira; 2. It can detoxify and stop dysentery. Honeysuckle can cure hot toxic dysentery. It can be effective only by decocting honeysuckle, a Chinese herbal medicine; 3. It can reduce blood fat. The ingredients in honeysuckle can be integrated with cholesterol, effectively reducing the absorption of cholesterol by the intestinal tract, which can play a role in reducing cholesterol in plasma. At the same time, it can also help the human body remove waste and fat in the blood, increase blood flow, and prevent cardiovascular disease; 4. Honeysuckle can also enhance human immunity.

Wenzhu arouses a middle-aged style 2024-06-03 12:00:28

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