What is the cause of testicular pain

Pine of Fog Island Ask questions on 2024-05-20 10:38:26
Recommended answer

In clinical practice, men have pain symptoms in the testicular area. Common reasons include some infectious factors, such as chronic orchitis, epididymitis, or prostatitis caused by urinary system infection, which can also lead to pain in the testicular area. This symptom also occurs when the patient has congenital anatomical structure abnormalities. For example, when testicular torsion or varicocele occurs at night, the hormone produced by the adrenal gland can flow into the testicle retrogradely, generating chemical stimulation and triggering this pain symptom. Therefore, when this kind of testicular pain is found clinically, patients should have scrotal color ultrasound examination to determine whether there are specific lesions. Color ultrasound of scrotum often finds hydrocele in the tunica vaginalis of testis, accompanied by infection, pain, or testicular cancer, testicular microlithiasis, etc. Therefore, only the symptoms of testicular pain are not enough for treatment, and the specific causes of this pain should be identified before specific treatment can be carried out.

Pine of Fog Island 2024-05-27 10:50:32

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