Which jellyfish can eat? How to eat jellyfish?

Ash falling keyboard Ask questions on June 3, 2024-13:14:14
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Jellyfish is a very beautiful creature in the ocean. Many people often want to touch it when swimming, but in fact, some jellyfish are highly toxic. It is meaningless for some food to eat if they can't eat it. Now let's introduce which jellyfish can eat? How to eat? Which jellyfish can eat?

The jellyfish looks very beautiful, but it is actually very fierce. If you touch the killer jellyfish, it will kill you in 30 seconds. Jellyfish are marine animals. Most of them are water, with only a small amount of protein and lipid. So, can jellyfish eat?

There are many kinds of jellyfish, some jellyfish can eat, some can not eat, and like jellyfish family jellyfish and jellyfish can eat. Other kinds of food can't be eaten. After being pickled, jellyfish is a delicacy on many people's dinner tables, but they should not be eaten too much. The umbrella of jellyfish is the jellyfish skin that we usually eat, and the tentacles of jellyfish are the jellyfish heads. Usually, the jellyfish skin should be bought in red, and the taste is relatively delicate and delicious.

Therefore, if you want to eat jellyfish, you must find jellyfish and jellyfish. Don't blindly believe that jellyfish can be eaten. Finally, we should remind everyone that when swimming on the beach in summer, if you feel a tingling sensation in your chest, back or limbs, or a feeling like a whip, it may be a jellyfish sting. You must timely apply anti-inflammatory drugs or vinegar to alleviate it.

How to eat jellyfish?

1. Cold Mixed Jellyfish (Jellyfish)

Cold mixed jellyfish is a common way for people to eat jellyfish, also known as jellyfish. You can soak a proper amount of jellyfish in clear water, wash and cut them into strips, prepare some cucumber shreds and purple cabbage shreds, put them together, add garlic paste, edible salt, vinegar, soy sauce, coriander and sesame oil, and then mix them well to eat.

2. Jellyfish (jellyfish) and winter melon soup

When you eat jellyfish (jellyfish), you can make it into soup. When making jellyfish, you need to prepare 70g of jellyfish, 500g of wax gourd, 300g of carrot, 200g of lean meat, and a proper amount of ginger and salt. Clean the jellyfish, blanch it with boiling water, cut all the wax gourd and carrot into blocks, add water with the lean meat and jellyfish, and put them into ginger slices to boil. After the pot boils, boil it for two hours, Then add edible salt to taste and serve.

Ash falling keyboard 2024-06-07 10:05:21

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