What medicine to take for vaginal itching

Wake up Ask questions on 2024-05-25 08:28:00
Recommended answer

Pruritus can not directly locate the type of vaginitis according to a symptom, and can not be directly used because too many kinds of vaginitis can lead to pruritus, and each kind of vaginitis is different. Because vaginitis is bacterial, mycotic, trichomonal, mycoplasma, chlamydial, streptococcal, and non-specific, so many kinds of inflammation can cause itching, but the drugs are different, so you can't use drugs directly according to a symptom. You need to do vaginal microecological examination on the secretion to confirm the type of inflammation, and then you can use targeted drugs. Only when the symptomatic medicine is used, the effect will be good and detours will be avoided. Generally, symptomatic medication will obviously improve in three days, and most can be cured in a week. If the inflammation is serious or the drug is not very sensitive, it can be cured in two weeks. In daily life, we should pay attention to boiling water to scald our underpants, exposing them to the sun, and changing them into cotton loose underpants once a day. This can help cure inflammation and prevent inflammation from recurring. Don't underestimate and ignore inflammation. If you don't get timely treatment, there may be upward infection leading to endometritis, pelvic inflammation, salpingitis, and even fallopian tube obstruction. In the future, there may be ectopic pregnancy, infertility, and chronic pelvic pain, so you must actively treat.

Wake up 2024-05-27 10:51:46

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