How to treat frequent and urgent urination

Afternoon tea fragrance Ask questions on June 1, 2024-11:02:11
Recommended answer

The specific causes of frequent urination and urgency of urination should be identified first. Different causes have different treatment methods. The common ones are urinary tract infection, urinary stones, tuberculosis, etc. If it is urinary tract infection, the common pathogenic bacteria are gram-negative bacteria, anaerobic bacteria, etc., so you can choose cephalosporins, quinolones for drug treatment. If it is caused by stones, corresponding treatment methods should be selected according to the size of stones. Small stones can be treated conservatively with drugs, but if the stones exceed one centimeter, external lithotripsy or surgery should be considered. If it is caused by tuberculosis, take anti tuberculosis drugs orally. Relevant treatment must be carried out under the guidance of professional doctors.

Afternoon tea fragrance 2024-06-03 12:17:17

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