What causes acne on the face

Laugh about the situation Ask questions on May 15, 2024-14:06:49
Recommended answer

The reason for acne on the face is often due to the strong secretion of the facial sebaceous glands, which secrete a large amount of sebum, silting up in the sebaceous glands of the hair follicles, stimulating excessive keratinization of the hair follicle epithelial cells, and forming blackhead acne. A large number of skin care products, cosmetics, and greasy dirt on the facial skin block the hair follicle mouth and promote the formation of facial acne. Acne is a common skin disease among young people. It is an inflammatory skin disease that occurs chronically in areas rich in sebaceous glands, and tends to occur on the face, chest and back. The characteristic skin lesions include acne, pimples, pustules, nodules, cysts and other lesions. The pathogenesis of acne is complex, which is the result of several factors, including endocrine factors, bacteria, sebum and genetic factors. There are also reasons for young people's endocrine. The level of androgen increases. Androgen stimulates the proliferation and secretion of sebaceous glands. The sebaceous glands secrete a large amount of sebum, which accumulates in the sebaceous glands of hair follicles to form fat plugs. It also stimulates the hyperkeratosis of hair follicle epithelial cells, and gives its fragments to mix and expand the hair follicle mouth to form blackhead acne. Propionibacterium acnes and Pityrosporum ovale, which are parasitic in the sebaceous glands of hair follicles, reproduce and infect in the environment of a large amount of sebum, especially the lipase and proteolytic enzyme released by Propionibacterium acnes hydrolyze triglycerides to form free fatty acids. Free fatty acids erode and destroy the hair follicle wall to form inflammatory acne, which is clinically manifested as papules, pustules, nodules, cysts and other lesions. The patient's face is rich in sebaceous glands, which secrete a large amount of oil, and reach the skin surface along the way of the hair follicle sebaceous glands, which is characterized by a lot of oil on the face. The fat dirt on the face is mixed with a lot of skin care products and cosmetics to block the hair follicle mouth, which promotes the formation of acne on the face. Therefore, patients with acne on their faces should often wash their faces with warm water and soap to keep their faces clean. Skin care products and cosmetics should be used as simple as possible, not too much or too thick, to avoid blocking the hair follicle mouth. Local use of benzoyl peroxide gel or adapalene cream can eliminate acne. If there is obvious inflammation, minocycline can be taken orally to treat inflammatory acne. Patients should not stay up late to avoid pungency and irritation.

Laugh about the situation 2024-05-20 12:00:31

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