How long will hemorrhoids recover after surgery

The sky is higher Ask questions at 01:50:11, May 26, 2024
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There are many kinds of hemorrhoid operations, mainly including external stripping and internal ligation of mixed hemorrhoids, internal hemorrhoid ligation, and circumcision of hemorrhoid mucosa. The main principle of the first two operations is the process of ligation of hemorrhoids to make ischemic necrosis fall off and make the wound grow again. This process takes about one to two weeks, although the internal hemorrhoid circumcision does not fall off. But healing also needs a stable process, which takes about one to two weeks, so hemorrhoid surgery generally takes two weeks to get rid of the risk of massive bleeding. If fully recovered, it will take about 20 days to a month. Of course, the specific time varies from person to person. Some patients with complications, or patients with basic diseases such as diabetes and kidney disease, heal more slowly, while young people with strong bodies heal earlier.

The sky is higher 2024-05-27 11:09:16

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