What medicine to use for finger blister eczema

Get rid of vanity Ask questions at 19:59:15 on May 31, 2024
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The blister on the hand is probably the manifestation of sweat blister, which is actually an endogenous eczema. Its etiology is not very clear, and it may be related to internal factors, and it may also be related to the contact with allergic substances, such as soap, washing powder, detergent and other alkaline soap bases. Sweat blisters are mainly manifested as red papules and blisters on both hands, accompanied by itching, and scaling will occur when the blisters dry up. Antiallergic drugs are mainly used for treatment, such as cetirizine, loratadine, ebastine, etc. Local calamine lotion and hormone ointment can be applied.

Get rid of vanity 2024-06-03 12:17:21

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