What diseases can dandelion treat

Never give up Ask questions on May 13, 2024-13:32:32
Recommended answer

Taraxacum is bitter, sweet, and cold. It belongs to the liver and stomach meridians. It can clear away heat, detoxify, and promote diuresis. It is used for heat toxic carbuncle, swelling, sore, and internal carbuncle. For the treatment of carbuncles, swells and boils, it is often compatible with honeysuckle, violets and wild chrysanthemums, such as Wuwei Disinfection Drink; For treating breast carbuncle, it can be used alone or in combination with honeysuckle vine; It can be used for high levels of fire poison, combined with Houttuynia cordata, reed root, and winter melon kernel, and can be used for cough, purulent sputum, and chest pain in patients with pulmonary carbuncle; With red peony, peony bark and rhubarb, it can be used for intestinal carbuncle and heat toxin accumulation; Combination of Radix Isatidis and Radix Scrophulariae can cure sore throat; It is compatible with chrysanthemum, gentian, and scutellaria to treat redness, swelling, and pain. Secondly, it can be used for damp heat jaundice and urine dripping and astringent pain, which can clear away heat, promote dampness and detoxify. It can be used with herba artemisiae for damp heat jaundice, and can be used together with Lysimachia christinae and Maogen for urine dripping and astringent pain.

Never give up 2024-05-20 11:11:12

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