What are the symptoms of throat cancer

The sky is blue Ask questions on 22:52:56, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Laryngeal cancer is the most common tumor in otorhinolaryngology. The throat cancer grows in different parts, and its early symptoms may also be different. The cancer growing on the vocal cords is most likely to be found in the early stage, because after the occurrence of cancer in the vocal cords, the first symptom is that the patient may have hoarseness. The patient pays more attention to it, and usually goes to the hospital to see a doctor. The cancer is generally detected early. If the laryngeal cancer grows in other parts, the patient may have expectoration with blood, foreign body sensation in the pharynx, and obstruction. These early symptoms are similar to pharyngitis. In the late stage, the patient may have difficulty eating, breathing, ear pain, neck pain, and swollen lymph nodes in the neck, which generally form some symptoms of advanced laryngeal cancer. So if you have symptoms of pharyngitis in the early stage, if the treatment effect is not good, you must go to the hospital for examination.

The sky is blue 2024-05-20 11:21:43

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