What medicine to take for carpal tunnel syndrome

The Old Man and the Sea Ask questions at 16:32:48, May 13, 2024
Recommended answer

Carpal tunnel syndrome is a symptom caused by injury to the median nerve of the wrist. Most of it comes from the increase of contents in the carpal tunnel, such as inflammatory hyperplasia of tendons in the carpal tunnel. The increase of contents compresses the median nerve. If you want to take oral medicine, you can only take some anti-inflammatory and pain relievers. Try to avoid the intense activity and excessive exercise of the wrist, that is, the relative wrist brake rest, to see if the symptoms can be alleviated. Another can take some neurotrophic drugs orally, such as Micobao. On the basis of conservative treatment, if the effect is not good, you can come to the hospital to check the nerve conduction velocity, which is confirmed to be carpal tunnel syndrome. Then you need to do surgery, open the entire carpal tunnel, release the median nerve, and remove the pathological changes in the carpal tunnel, so as to achieve the goal of radical treatment.

The Old Man and the Sea 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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