What antiphlogistic drugs should women take in gynecology

Happy life Ask questions on 2024-05-18 12:25:36
Recommended answer

Female gynecological inflammation is divided into vaginitis, endometritis and pelvic inflammation. Vaginitis is divided into bacterial vaginosis, trichomonal vaginosis and candida albicans vaginosis, and pelvic inflammation is divided into acute pelvic inflammation and chronic pelvic inflammation. The causes, clinical manifestations and treatment of various gynecological inflammation are different, so once women suspect that they have gynecological inflammation, they are recommended to go to a professional hospital for relevant examinations, including leucorrhea, cervical secretions, B-ultrasound, etc. After the cause is clear, they can be treated according to the cause of the disease. Do not use drugs randomly to avoid delaying the condition.

Happy life 2024-05-20 11:47:27

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