What are the effects of loofah

only this and nothing more Ask questions at 14:47:07, 2024-05-19
Recommended answer

It can promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, dredge collaterals and promote lactation. Luffa is the fruit of plants. It can be eaten as a vegetable, and can also be used as a medicine for clinical treatment of some diseases. Its main functions are to promote blood circulation, remove blood stasis, and dredge collaterals. Luffa contains rich nutrition, not only high-quality protein, but also a variety of vitamins. Luffa is often used to treat some meridians that are blocked due to stagnation of liver qi, which often causes full pain of heart blood. Luffa can also be used for lactation. Because it contains amino acids and protease, it has the function of dredging channels and collaterals. Luffa, pig hoof, crucian carp, etc. are commonly used to cook soup together to play the role of lactation.

only this and nothing more 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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