What are the treatment methods for chronic hypertrophic rhinitis

miss Ask questions on April 19, 2024 at 18:13:27
Recommended answer

For chronic hypertrophic rhinitis, medication includes medication and surgery. Drug treatment mainly includes: First, nasal saline can clear nasal secretions. 2、 Nasal spray of glucocorticoid, commonly used in clinical practice, can locally inhibit the inflammatory reaction of nasal cavity. 3、 Intranasal application of decongestants, such as hydroxymethylazoline hydrochloride nasal spray, can improve nasal ventilation and drainage, and should be used for no more than 7 days. When the effect of drug treatment is not good, surgery is used. First, sclerosing agent is injected into the inferior turbinate, and 80% glycerin or 50% carbolic acid glycerin is injected into the inferior turbinate to make the inferior turbinate smaller. 2、 Laser treatment, plasma radiofrequency ablation. 3、 Partial resection of the inferior turbinate and submucoperiosteal resection of the inferior turbinate were performed to shrink the inferior turbinate and improve ventilation.

miss 2024-04-22 11:37:39

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