What is the cause of hand swelling

I want stability Ask questions at 15:00:53, May 14, 2024
Recommended answer

When you get up in the morning, you should observe whether the urine color changes. For example, the urine becomes cloudy and foamy, the urine turns red, or the blood pressure is significantly increased. It may be that there is a problem with the kidney, such as nephritis or nephrotic syndrome. Hand swelling caused by kidney is the most common. In addition, if you have a history of chronic bronchitis, you will have wheezing in winter, which will lead to right heart failure and hand swelling in the long run. You can take chest plain film, heart color ultrasound and other examinations. If there is a history of hepatitis B and the liver function is obviously abnormal, the hand swelling caused by cirrhosis should be excluded. If all the above conditions are ruled out, there is also hypothyroidism, which is easy to miss diagnosis, and also a cause of swollen hands. The patient may have cold phobia, anemia, dry stool and other symptoms, and thyroid function examination is also required for diagnosis.

I want stability 2024-05-20 11:18:14

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