How to deal with oily hair loss

Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields Ask questions at 04:27:19, April 15, 2024
Recommended answer

The symptom of hair loss on oily scalp is considered to be seborrheic hair loss, also known as androgenic hair loss, which is related to high androgen level in the body, heredity and other factors. Inflammation of scalp hair follicles, long-term staying up late, greasy diet, excessive mental stress, and anxiety can all aggravate the symptoms of hair loss. For patients with seborrheic alopecia, minoxidil tincture can be used externally to promote hair growth, and ketoconazole lotion and compound sulfur lotion can also be used externally to reduce oil secretion. Male patients can take finasteride orally, and female patients can take ethinylestradiol and other drugs. In addition, traditional Chinese medicine for seborrheic alopecia, also has a good therapeutic effect, can also be used together. Patients with severe hair loss can also be treated by hair transplantation.

Thick fog permeates the mountains and fields 2024-04-22 12:29:53

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