Is hyperthyroidism neck uncomfortable

down-to-earth Ask questions on May 18, 2024-19:07:22
Recommended answer

When hyperthyroidism occurs, there will be mild discomfort in the neck and swelling of the thyroid area in the neck as the chief complaint. Hyperthyroidism, especially when the cause is toxic diffuse goiter with hyperthyroidism, that is, Grace's disease, its clinical manifestations include palpitation, tremor, fatigue, weight loss, emaciation, increased stool frequency, faster heart rate, arrhythmia, and exophthalmos, The patient will have swelling in the thyroid region of the neck and local discomfort, such as feeling of suffocation and swelling, but this discomfort is relatively mild. It is found that the swollen thyroid moves up and down with swallowing. When the doctor palpates the thyroid, he can touch the texture of the foot thyroid, and can hear the systolic vascular murmur during auscultation, Tremor of blood vessels on glands can also be felt.

down-to-earth 2024-05-20 11:18:21

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