Why is it not easy to get drunk when drinking? These 7 methods must be known!

Be calm Ask questions at 01:30:51, June 3, 2024
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It is said that drinking is harmful to our health, but it is impossible for people not to drink when they are away from home. Sometimes they get drunk when they drink, which not only hurts our body, but also may do some silly things. So many people are very interested in finding solutions to the problem of how not to get drunk easily when drinking.

Why is it not easy to get drunk when drinking?

1. Eat some fat before drinking

Many people think fat meat is greasy and don't want to eat it, but if they find fat meat on the table before drinking, they can eat three pieces to ensure that you won't get drunk so easily. That's because after eating fat meat, the digestive tract will preferentially absorb the fat in the fat meat, reducing the body's intake of alcohol, so that people won't get drunk easily when drinking.

2. Eat before drinking

Before drinking, you'd better eat some staple food, such as rice, porridge, etc., and eat something in your stomach first. If you have something in your stomach, you will not be easily stimulated. Even if you drink more, you will not get drunk so easily.

3. You can drink honey water before drinking

The ingredients in honey are not only nutritious, but also can promote the decomposition of alcohol, which is conducive to the elimination of alcohol from the body. If you go out to drink, it is recommended that you drink a cup of honey in advance, so that you can be prepared when drinking, and it is also good for people who have headaches after drinking.

4. When drinking, beer and liquor cannot be drunk together

Many people drink all kinds of wine at random when they are at the table, but they get drunk soon because they drink too much wine.

When drinking, be careful not to mix beer and liquor together, which will increase the negative pressure in the intestines and make people more likely to get drunk.

5. Drink some milk or yogurt before drinking

When we go out to drink, we all agree in advance. When we know the time of the meal, we drink some milk and yogurt before going, which can form a protective film in the stomach, reduce the absorption of alcohol by the stomach and intestines, so as to prevent a large amount of alcohol from entering the blood, and solve the problem of drinking easily.

6. Don't drink too hard

Many people drink one cup at a time in order to show how cool they are. This kind of drinking method is not advisable. You should learn to drink slowly and not too hard.

7. Drink more water before drinking

Water can dilute alcohol. Drinking more water before drinking will make our urinary system work first, and when we wait to drink again, some alcohol will soon be eliminated from the body.

If no water is drunk in advance, it is also possible to drink water and wine alternately during the drinking process, which can accelerate the discharge of alcohol, so that people are not easy to get drunk when drinking.

Be calm 2024-06-07 10:04:47

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