Why tonsils become inflamed and purulent

Sorrow under pillow Ask questions at 19:36:29, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

The reason why tonsils become inflamed and purulent may be related to the following reasons: 1. The infection of various types of pathogenic bacteria is the main cause of tonsil inflammation and purulent. Virus infection may lead to herpetic angina and other diseases. Bacterial infection may cause tonsil and throat inflammation. The infection of such pathogenic bacteria may cause inflammation to spread to the tonsils, leading to tonsillar inflammation and suppuration. 2. Oral hygiene was not done well. The tonsil is close to the oral cavity. If you do not pay attention to oral hygiene for a long time, inflammation and infection in the oral cavity may lead to inflammation and suppuration of the tonsil.

Sorrow under pillow 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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