What medicine can relieve carpal tunnel syndrome

Pure old man Ask questions at 11:42:08, May 18, 2024
Recommended answer

Carpal tunnel syndrome is mainly due to the increased pressure in the carpal tunnel, resulting in compression of the median nerve, followed by numbness, pain and dysfunction of the fingers. If it is due to tumor or trauma, the compression of scar after surgery, oral medicine can not play a very good role, and it is recommended that surgery be carried out in a timely manner. If it is caused by trauma or chronic strain, you can do some physiotherapy, take orally neurotrophic drugs, such as vitamin B1, mecobalamin tablets, etc., or use prednisolone acetate for local blocking treatment, which can also have a good effect. Therefore, in case of carpal tunnel syndrome, we must go to a regular hospital in time.

Pure old man 2024-05-20 11:18:18

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